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M5竞争不确定性轨道旨在概率预测成千上万的沃尔玛零售商品。我们表明,M5竞争数据面临强大的过分统计和零星需求,尤其是零需求。我们讨论了对此类计数数据流程的充分概率预测产生的建模问题。遗憾的是,M5竞争中使用的大多数流行预测方法(例如,LightGBM和XGBoost GBMS)无法应对由于所考虑的目标函数而解决数据特征。分布预测为克服这些问题提供了合适的建模方法。 GAMLSS框架允许使用低维分布的灵活概率预测。我们说明了,通过模拟各种分布的位置和比例参数,如何应用GAMLS方法来应用M5竞争数据。负二项分布。最后,我们讨论用于分配建模的软件包及其缺点,如R包Gamls,其中包含其包扩展,(深)分布预测库,如纹orflow概率。
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Machine learning models are typically evaluated by computing similarity with reference annotations and trained by maximizing similarity with such. Especially in the bio-medical domain, annotations are subjective and suffer from low inter- and intra-rater reliability. Since annotations only reflect the annotation entity's interpretation of the real world, this can lead to sub-optimal predictions even though the model achieves high similarity scores. Here, the theoretical concept of Peak Ground Truth (PGT) is introduced. PGT marks the point beyond which an increase in similarity with the reference annotation stops translating to better Real World Model Performance (RWMP). Additionally, a quantitative technique to approximate PGT by computing inter- and intra-rater reliability is proposed. Finally, three categories of PGT-aware strategies to evaluate and improve model performance are reviewed.
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Mixtures of von Mises-Fisher distributions can be used to cluster data on the unit hypersphere. This is particularly adapted for high-dimensional directional data such as texts. We propose in this article to estimate a von Mises mixture using a l 1 penalized likelihood. This leads to sparse prototypes that improve clustering interpretability. We introduce an expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm for this estimation and explore the trade-off between the sparsity term and the likelihood one with a path following algorithm. The model's behaviour is studied on simulated data and, we show the advantages of the approach on real data benchmark. We also introduce a new data set on financial reports and exhibit the benefits of our method for exploratory analysis.
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Passive monitoring of acoustic or radio sources has important applications in modern convenience, public safety, and surveillance. A key task in passive monitoring is multiobject tracking (MOT). This paper presents a Bayesian method for multisensor MOT for challenging tracking problems where the object states are high-dimensional, and the measurements follow a nonlinear model. Our method is developed in the framework of factor graphs and the sum-product algorithm (SPA). The multimodal probability density functions (pdfs) provided by the SPA are effectively represented by a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). To perform the operations of the SPA in high-dimensional spaces, we make use of Particle flow (PFL). Here, particles are migrated towards regions of high likelihood based on the solution of a partial differential equation. This makes it possible to obtain good object detection and tracking performance even in challenging multisensor MOT scenarios with single sensor measurements that have a lower dimension than the object positions. We perform a numerical evaluation in a passive acoustic monitoring scenario where multiple sources are tracked in 3-D from 1-D time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) measurements provided by pairs of hydrophones. Our numerical results demonstrate favorable detection and estimation accuracy compared to state-of-the-art reference techniques.
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Location-aware networks will introduce new services and applications for modern convenience, surveillance, and public safety. In this paper, we consider the problem of cooperative localization in a wireless network where the position of certain anchor nodes can be controlled. We introduce an active planning method that aims at moving the anchors such that the information gain of future measurements is maximized. In the control layer of the proposed method, control inputs are calculated by minimizing the traces of approximate inverse Bayesian Fisher information matrixes (FIMs). The estimation layer computes estimates of the agent states and provides Gaussian representations of marginal posteriors of agent positions to the control layer for approximate Bayesian FIM computations. Based on a cost function that accumulates Bayesian FIM contributions over a sliding window of discrete future timesteps, a receding horizon (RH) control is performed. Approximations that make it possible to solve the resulting tree-search problem efficiently are also discussed. A numerical case study demonstrates the intelligent behavior of a single controlled anchor in a 3-D scenario and the resulting significantly improved localization accuracy.
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This paper presents an introduction to the state-of-the-art in anomaly and change-point detection. On the one hand, the main concepts needed to understand the vast scientific literature on those subjects are introduced. On the other, a selection of important surveys and books, as well as two selected active research topics in the field, are presented.
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Our aim is to build autonomous agents that can solve tasks in environments like Minecraft. To do so, we used an imitation learning-based approach. We formulate our control problem as a search problem over a dataset of experts' demonstrations, where the agent copies actions from a similar demonstration trajectory of image-action pairs. We perform a proximity search over the BASALT MineRL-dataset in the latent representation of a Video PreTraining model. The agent copies the actions from the expert trajectory as long as the distance between the state representations of the agent and the selected expert trajectory from the dataset do not diverge. Then the proximity search is repeated. Our approach can effectively recover meaningful demonstration trajectories and show human-like behavior of an agent in the Minecraft environment.
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